Learn more about the BITTER brand...
Der Bitter Tour, Across America
(Pics & story about buying a 1985 Bitter SC, #574 & driving cross-country.)
4 Time Zones, 8 Days, 11 States,
59 Hours 29 Minutes, 3,022 Miles
and 792 songs on the iPod.
Click HERE for Rich's Blog...
Friday, Nov. 25, 2005
Charlotte, NC to LAX to Torrance & finally Malibu, CA...
Proposed Itinerary... |
Rich and I are leaving at 7:45 AM, so we need to be getting out to the airport about 6:30 AM. Meaning, I need to get up at 5:00 AM in order to pick up Rich & get to the airport on time. As a surprise, I've hired Mike & Executive Limo for the first leg of our journey. Turns out Mike is a Johnny Burrito customer & came to get us personally.
We'll track actual miles, avg speed & time in the seat. |
We'll let you know how many of the potential 1572 iPod songs we actually play. |

6:30 AM the Friday after Thanksgiving, at USAir Gate 8 to Los Angeles. Ready to go & pondering an upgrade to First Class.

Here's Kirby & Thunder the
"Service Dog".
Thunder is a unique dog that can sense when a seizure is building & can alert his owner. This allows Kirby to get out & about with no worries.

Enjoying Bloody Marys in FIRST CLASS, baby !!! A well spent $150 upgrade at the gate.

Here's Jared, a Charlotte fella, home for Thanksgiving. Enjoying First Class with us on his way back to Hollywood as an actor on "Gilmore Girls". Maybe I can do a bit of background work. |

Sky view of the Grand Canyon...
We'll be down there in a few days !!! |

The LAX Theme Building. Inspiration for Jetson-style architecture. |

First lunch at, of all places, a Denny's. Ed was delayed returning from the mountains, so we walked to the nearest place. I got Tilapia & I have to say, it was a good meal.
 Rich enjoying the ol' cheeseburger.

A funny Homeland Security spoof sticker defacing the Denny's flip-over table topper.

Ed Swart arrives in his red Bitter SC. This is the actual car that was used for the road tests in "Car & Driver" &
"Road & Track". |

Ed driving us back to his shop.

Ed with my new Bitter SC. Back in the day, Ed was Bitter's West Coast distributor.

Counting out the cash. |

Getting the keys. |

Ed signing the Bitter SC title over to Johnny Bitter. |

A treasure trove of the last reaming
original Bitter SC parts. |
 Ed has all sorts of neato Bitter automobilia.

My first seat time in the Bitter SC. This is a 1985 model. Body is # 574. Not sure of the starting number, but only 498 were ever made. |
We are ready to begin "Der Bitter America Tour", later renamed "Der Bitter Tour, Across America". My SC is equipped with a Getrag 5-speed gearbox, only 10% of SC's had the manual transmission.
Didn't take long for the first GSG (Gas Station Gawker). Here's Matt, the Repo Man, asking, "are we driving a Maserati?"
We've made it to
Hermosa Beach, California !!!
 Super-wide beach !!!

the Pacific Ocean sunset... |

Hector C. at The Malibu Motel, right across the street from the Pacific Ocean. |

First night dinner at the Chart House on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). |

A top ten dinner at The Chart House. Maybe the best Crab Cake ever. Here, I'm enjoying the Snapper Hemingway, delicious.

Enjoying our FREE dessert compliments of Hector from
The Malibu Motel.
GREAT outdoor fire pit.
Just Married...Veraty & Dellan. They are from & are going to South Africa for the Honeymoon. The whole wedding party was having a big time at
The Chart House.
Here's Jeff, our most excellent server at The Chart House. Just a wonderful meal. A place we'll come back to with our families.

"When the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard". An odd sight on the Left Coast. |

Johnny working on the web updates. Room had an Ethernet connection. We listened to 62 iPod songs today. |

Hillside behind The Malibu Motel. Nice upper patio with Pacific Ocean view.

Malibu surfers hopping the fence after their Saturday wave fun. |
Saturday, Nov. 26, 2005
Malibu, CA to Las Vegas, NV...

4 hours 30 min, 300 miles, 47 songs
Pacific Time

Cruising at 80-90 mph all the way to Las Vegas & getting passed like you wouldn't believe.. We ultimately got Der Bitter up to 101 mph !!! Handled like a dream, swift & sure.
 We missed Benito's Tacos in LA. So, we decided to stop at In-n-Out Burger.

As movie fans of "The Big Lebowski", we wanted to eat at one place featured in the movie.

We talked about Der Bitter America Tour with these fine young California men, Jayden & Shawn

Ahh, the road to Vegas. Now we see the nearly unbroken line of traffic coming from Vegas going to the coast for weekend. |

Rich enjoying a ride through Death Valley in Der Bitter. |
 Our first neon...we immediately knew when we crossed into Nevada

Fun you can have by turning off the flash on the digital camera & seeing what happens. |

Here we arriving at Caesars Palace & our waiting room in the Augustus Tower.

Dan the Valet Man at Caesars. Another car buff that never heard of
Der Bitter.

Johnny having a bit of fun with the Woman of Caesars.

Personalized, in-room screen phone. What's next ???

Binion's featured parking for Der Bitter.

Calling Doc from Binion's Penthouse Steakhouse. A great Vegas restaurant with an incredible view of the whole
built-up valley.

Here's Jeffery, our most capable server at Binion's. We all got so distracted talking about the trip, Jeffery left the table. Moments later he returned. laughing, asking for our order.

Rich discovering the joys of
aut-o-matic towel dispensers. Just wave your hand & the towel advances itself.

Rich is a BIG winner at Binion's roulette. In short order, he turned $20 into $70. Carl would be proud.

Here's the garage, yes garage, I lived in upon my runaway arrival in Vegas in mid-1978. An extension cord from the main house supplied power for a refrigerator & A tree-rigged garden hose was our cold water shower. Hot water & a toilet were available at the corner gas station, any casino (nice bathrooms) or work.

At sixteen years of age, this is where I earned my living during my six-moth stay in Las Vegas...the Downtown McDonald's on Fremont Street.

When Rich brings Jennifer out to Vegas, she can play the "High Limit Slots" at The Palms. Rich also played a bit of Texas Hold'em here, one of my favorite Poker Rooms.
Sunday, Nov. 27, 2005
Las Vegas, NV to Grand Canyon, AZ...
5 hours 10 min, 270 miles, 53 songs
Mountain Time, +1 hour today
 Female Pharaoh fondling fun.

Our most excellent & spacious "Augustus" room at Caesars Palace. |

Our Caesars room came with a great view of the Las Vegas Strip. |

Rich trying to win a brand new Porsche Cayman S. Sadly, he did not win. Fortunately, we had not gambled the Bitter title away. |

The front lobby at Caesars. Looks great, but all smoke & mirrors kinda stuff. |

Here's Carl, our super-nice Caesars bellman . |

Big Horn Rams abound. |
Post 9/11, the approach to Hoover Dam includes a new Police Checkpoint to stop evil-doers. |

Old tram system used to move materials during construction of the massive dam. |

Power lines coming up & out of the generating plant at the base of Hoover Dam. |

Rich stands in front of the water intake towers used to turn the hydro-turbines & generate power for millions in the West. |

Hoover Dam is also the border between Nevada & Arizona.

Learn more... |

We finally arrive at Grand Canyon National Park & just make our dinner reservation at El Tovar Lodge. We promptly ordered a round of Caucasians. |

Rich chowing on the ol' lamb shank.
Monday, Nov. 28, 2005
Grand Canyon, AZ - Durango, CO
6 hours 7 min, 319 miles, 69 songs
Mountain Time
I think everyone can understand these universal graphics. And no credit to the artist.

Sunrise at Mather Point. |

Here's Phillip who took the previous snap. He's got some family in the Charlotte area & will let them know about Johnny Burrito. THANKS !!!
Bitterly cold - TWO !!! degrees last night. At toasty seven about this time of the morning.

We stayed at the Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim. Accommodation options abound with historic inns & modern motels. My preference would be El Travor or the bungalows at Bright Angel Lodge. |

We awoke before sunrise & made our way to Mather Point to see the colors of the canyon unfold as the morning progressed. |
The views are incredible. Have to bring the family back at some point. You could easily spend a week here with all the history, vistas, trails, mule rides to Phantom Ranch & on & on.

Neat stratification model displaying the many layers & time periods of the Grand Canyon. |

Side view of the point that El Travor rests upon. The hotel is named in honor of the first "explorer" to discover the GC in the 1800's. Of course, Native Americans have known & lived here for centuries. |

Mary Colter designed fireplace at Bright Angel Lodge. The rocks are comprised & laid in the same strata as the canyon itself. Neato.

Here's Chuck, yet another car enthusiast stumped by the BITTER name. Nice fella that works as a limo driver for GC tours out of Phoenix. |

Chuck wanted to check out all aspects of Der Bitter. Here's a snap of the 3.9 liter, straight six that develops 210 horsepower with 236 ft. lbs. of torque. Enough to power the 3344 lb. Bitter SC2 to 60 mph in 7.6 seconds & take you all the way 143 mph if you wish. Very respectable numbers for 1985. |
Mary Colter lookout cabin. She designed a half-dozen or so of the buildings around Grand Canyon National Park before that designation. She was a forty-year employee of Fred Harvey who started tourism at the GC in the late 1890's.

Rich enjoying a close-up of some GC details. |

Fun camera shot through one of the fifty-cent 170mm telescopes. |
Here's, self-described, "BEAR" chested Shirley. A real hoot of a lady working the GC souvenir concession.

Our last stop, before exiting the park at the East Entrance, is Desert View Overlook. |
 Another Mary Colter design, one of the first female architects in America |

Inside, the walls are decorated with traditional Hopi Indian designs. |

A shooting star. |

A bird with its fish supper. |

Clouds & sun. |
A staircase to the top provides great views of the eastern edge of the
Grand Canyon.

Just beyond the canyon edge lies the flat desert & this perfect Mesa. |
Fearless deer roam all over the Grand Canyon National Park.
Rich takes over ass we leave the Grand Canyon. Sometime around 8 PM, we pass "Four Corners" - the state-boundry junction of Utah, Arizona, Colorado & New Mexico.
Here's Eich...a super Duderino (if you're not into the whole brevity thing) in Durango. He's Pete's brother, a faithfull Johnny Burrito customer. Eich extended a friendly hand to two weary travelers. Thanks for entertaining us !!!
Here's our Monday racap. We are just loving this little Garmin GPS. From a map-fumbling point-of-view, it makes a cross-country trek a breeze. Well worth the $700 price tag. iPod count 69.
Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005
Durango, CO - Boulder, CO Ouray, CO
2 hours 11 min, 74 miles, 36 songs
Mountain Time

Historic Strater Hotel in Durango,
built 1896.

Johnny entering the Strater,
laptop in hand. Got to keep these on-the-road internet updates coming. You cannot believe the time involved in keeping this up on a daily basis. |

Rich with unusual Strater room key.

Beautiful, fourth floor, corner room at the Strater. Rich points out that every surface was wallpapered, including the ceiling. Superb job. |

Yet another curious soul along the way...this time it's Renate, the Reservations Mgr. for the Strater.

We needed to put Herr Bitter on the rack after the deer incident. Pat Murphy Motors is the local GM dealer. As Opel was owned by GM in the 70's & 80's, many bolt-on parts are GM. |

Here's Greg, Asst. Gen. Mgr. of the dealership. He said the shop was at lunch, but would ask the Service Mgr. if he could help... |
 And here's Darrell, Service Mrgr. at Pat Murphy Mototrs. He agreed to take a look. All checked out OK & we were on our way.

Darrell was really great to take time out RIGHT NOW to look at Der Bitter. And Pat Murphy Motors DID NOT CHARGE US !!! When do you hear of that happening anymore ??? So, Johnny Burrito & Bitter t-shirts were gladly accepted as payment. |

Oh no, back to Pat Murphy Motors...just a few minutes later, the ignition would not work. Rich pushed started Der Bitter & we made our way back to Darrell. Turns out some linkage in the '79 Camero steering column got hung up. Darrell had us on the road in no time. And again we were not charged !!! There still are nice folks out there. |

What's this ??? A POWER WAGON in the side view mirror !!! Late start after all stops to check out Der Bitter denies us a proper "stop & chat", but I've got to have a better look... |

Turns out to be Geno, a Colorado fella in his restored '61 WM300. We rapid chatted at the light & turns out he knows Johnny Burrito from the Burrito Wagon section of this website. Nice to have friends all over. |

Sign spotting...Rich pay attention !!! |

Horse crossing. |

Love this sideways curvy sign. |

Avalanche area, we are getting into the stuff now. |

We have a couple 10,000+ foot passes to get over. |

Wow, the Rockies are stunning !!! |
Der Bitter is hopefully enjoying a taste of the old country.
 Great heat in the German Bitter.

The view, mile after mile... |

Silverton, Colorado |

Delicious Posole soup from Buen Tiempo restaurant in Ouray, CO, |
We didn't make it to Boulder, stopped in Ouray. With late start, early sunset, lack of guardrails, a bit of snow falling & Rich feeling poorly, we threw in the towel about 6:00p. Only 36 iPod songs today.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005
Boulder, CO Ouray, CO - Boulder, CO
7 hours 11 min, 343 miles, 107 songs
Mountain Time

The view from Ouray,CO.

Here's the Best Western, Ouray. It was fine. Next time, I would stay at the Ouray Victorian Inn.
 Der Bitter aerial view...

We did not make it to Fairfield, Iowa & Dave Butler of VINTAGE POWER WAGONS. But, we did get to see a nice Butler grain elevator installation.
 Rich loves him some condiments.

Unusual Colorado street sweeper.

Rich enjoying the Rocky Mountain vistas...

Making progress now, off Highway 550 / 50 & picking up Interstate 70 just outside Glenwood Springs, CO.

Traveling on Highway 50 out of Montrose towards Grand Junction & ultimately, Boulder, CO.

Very pretty everywhere you look.

Setting sun against the Rockies.

More stunning Rockies scenery...

The mighty Colorado river as we travel I-70 East, through stunning Glenwood Canyon on the way to Boulder.
Hmmm, conditions are deteriorating. As we approached the pass, commercial vehicles were required to put on chains. We would see long lines of 18-wheelers "chaining up".

Always like to see a tunnel in bad weather. |

Gassing up Der Bitter, beauty abounds.

Terrible conditions at Vail Pass. A light snowfall was fine, but the complete sheet of ice on I-70 was tiring to negotiate.
 Finally, we made it to Boulder. I was very happy to be getting off the road. Now, we are headed up to Flagstaff House restaurant above Boulder.

Here's Jeff, our Valet for the evening. Great guy with big plans coming up. But due to confidentiality, I can't reveal any details, yet. |

Here's poor feeling (but looking good) Richard at one of the best restaurants in the country & only able to order duck soup. He couldn't even finish his soup, but was a real trooper to allow me to enjoy the full meal experience at Flagstaff House.
 Buffalo filet - outstanding.

And here's Shelly, our server for the evening. Shelly did a fantastic job making two tired North Carolina boys comfortable. Got us moved over to a window-side table with the fine view of Boulder & Denver off in the distance. |

And finally, Chef Mark of Flagstaff House. Super job in the kitchen !!! I hope I don't have to wait another seventeen years to enjoy the cuisine again. |

We have taken to calling our Garmin GPS, "Garmina". Everyday, the device tells us how to get from here to there in a female voice, so Rich called her "Garmina" & it stuck. Listened to 107 iPod tunes today. |
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2005
Boulder, CO - Kansas City, KS
11 hours 45 min, 600 miles, 142 songs
Central Time, +1 hour today

Johnny out cleaning up Der Bitter after our run over the Rockies.

All cleaned up & ready to go.
 Our deluxe suite at Residence Inn, Boulder. Worked out well, as Rich could get much needed rest in a separate bedroom.

And the jam-up breakfast at the Residence Inn.

Architect Rich, taking pictures of "details".

One of my watering holes from when I briefly lived in Boulder so many years ago.

Shop where the sales clerk knew about Johnny Burrito, but clammed up once the camera came out. What's up with that ?

Here's Mike, your friendly Pearl Street hot dog vendor. Nice fella & a great Vienna Beef dog, what more could you ask for ??? Next time Mike is in North Carolina, he says he's coming to Johnny Burrito !!!

Rich & Claire of Six Persimmons Apothecary on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. She fixed up rich with an ancient Chinese flu remedy.

Der Bitter enjoys the Boulder Flatirons. Unique geologic formations right at the base of the Rockies.

Cool design abounds in & around Boulder.

This sign should be on every road with two or more lanes...

Rich drives the Great Plains

$1,000 fine - they are serious about littering !!!

Here's a well protected Rest Area snack machine.
 Unusual waterless urinal at the Rest Area. Had some unique design / trap / filter system so no water was required when you finished your business.

The Great Plains to the right...

The Great Plains to the left. Bonus...Long shadows as Der Bitter cruises at sunset.

The setting sun behind & many miles ahead, as we try to make up some lost time.
 Enjoying a quick sub at the only place for 300 miles...Colby, Kansas.
 Ahh, another penny stamping machine.
Rich gets pulled by one of Kansas' finest...State Trooper R. L. Taylor gives Rich a warning for speeding 77 mph in a 70 zone & "not staying in lane" as Rich was trying to fiddle with the cruise control. Super nice trooper that wanted to make sure Rich was not fatigued. I took over the driving after our stop.

Here's our Garmina record of the day. Unfortunately, I did not reset her until a few hours into the day, so totals are off. We also listened to 100+ songs on the iPod - another great invention indispensable on a cross-country trek.
Friday, Dec. 2, 2005
Kansas City, KS - Bardstown, KY New Albany, Indiana...
13 hours 12 min, 524 miles, 138 songs
Eastern Time, +1 hour today
We make it to Kansas City, MO very late Thursday night & stay at Best or rather, Worst Western. Der Bitter Tour Across America is now about getting home. Rich is feeling puny & just wants to get back to his bed & newlywed bride Jennifer.

Here's Felix & Andron we met having breakfast at the Worst Western in Kansas City. SouthWest Bell salesman on a mission to wire you up. |
Our skanky room at the Worst Western, 501 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, KS. Rich wrote up a punch list for the Manager - have to put shoulder into door to open, toilet runs until you take off tank top & push flapper down, shower head sprays water all over the bathroom, lights burned out & an outlet ready to cause a fire. Just a bad experience.

A little taste of home..."Charlotte, Street" in Kansas City. We ran downtown & spent a ridiculous amount of time looking for trip trinkets.
Ready to start the day of driving. Our first bearing point - back onto Interstate 70, heading east towards HOME.

First view of the famous St. Louis Arch. Whew, long day of driving & not much else. We are stopping to take a few pictures & but a trinket or two, then off the Louisville, KY. |

Rich showing off the stainless steel Arch. Designed by big-time architect,
Eero Saarinen.
 I have now been by this darned arch four times & still have not been up inside. Good reason to come back someday...
Here's a sign for the "Log Inn"...the sign indicates it's Indiana's oldest restaurant. What about that !!! Unfortunately, we are rolling past here at 1:27 AM & sadly, they are closed. Maybe next time.
Here I am at yet another Interstate truck stop. This particular roadside Riviera featured the most extensive hat pin collection I have yet seen.
Ahhh, we are on the right track. Now onto Interstate 64 East towards Louisville, KY.
Here's our Garmina report for the day...524 miles over a total thirteen hour day. But petrol, eat & trinket stops added four & a half hours to the already long day. Last hotel night.
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2005
Bardstown, KY New Albany, Indiana - Charlotte, NC (HOME)...
9 hours 23 min, 500 miles, 122 songs
Eastern Time
Our last night on the road of Der Bitter Tour Across America. Hampton Inn turned out to be a much better stay than any Best Western. Same price, but greatly upgraded feel, cleaner / newer room, fine breakfast. I will seek them out again.

Our fine Hampton Inn room, great for what it was. We are just inside the eastern border of Indiana & ready to get moving !!! |

Rainy, messy day for the final 500 miles. Here we cross the Ohio River, getting ever closer. Rich is holding on, but has nixed any sightseeing or major trinket stops. I am to DRIVE... |

Making real progress now. My old Kentucky home (for the night) is just down the road. We were to make it to Bardstown, KY & have a Woodford Reserve Bourbon Tour yesterday, but no such action this trip. |
The I-64 East route takes you right through these interesting rock lined roads. Don't want to have a wreck here (or anywhere for that matter).

Plenty of horse farms & Kentucky bluegrass to enjoy on a dreary day.

Breaking away from I-64 & now continuing on to Interstate 75 South.
We had to stop for lunch & just so happens the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame was located at the same exit. An exit that seemed designed for the sole purpose of putting up the brand new hall.
Here I am reading the "Travelers Credo". Click picture for the movie.

Some of the predictable displays at the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame. |

BitterSweet Cabins, maybe a destination on the next adventure. On second thought, NO. |
The whole reason for our stop at this exit, besides the fabulous hall, was to see if this Hardee's had a Rich favorite - Hot Dogs. No such luck. Apparently, only a few North Carolina stores carry the All-American food.

Tennessee welcomes us. |

Leaving I-75 S & on the Interstate 40 East & really getting close to home. |

A welcome sign indeed !!! |
Came down the mountain on I-26 & now taking that first exit at the bottom of the grade...Highway 74 East into Shelby & on to Charlotte, NC !!!

Shelby / Charlotte sign. Man are we close now !!! |

Obligatory stop at Tedder Motor Company in Shelby, NC. However, it's about 8:00 PM & she's closed up tight as a drum. |

Now, we're talking. Getting off Interstate 85 South onto the I-485 loop around Charlotte. Next stop, Pineville, NC & Rich's home. |

Here's Jennifer, hugging her man after our long journey & their first separation after getting married earlier in 2005.

Our tight cabin for the last eight days. Made even smaller when your buddy is under the weather. |
The child-sized back seat. Not much for transporting humans over the age of ten, but perfect for all sorts of travel goodies, snacks, computer & the like.
Spacious truck in the Der Biiter Sports Coupe. More than adequate for our needs. We both had travel & individual souvenir bags with room left over for a box with cleaning supplies & tools.
A short movie to wrap up Der Bitter Tour, Across America - what an adventure !!!
Final Garmina screen shot. We logged another 500 miles today. And we got more efficient with our stops - only a little over an hour of non-travel time today !!! With a moving average of 61 MPH.

Bitter pocket t-shirt I made up using original art from period sales brochures. |

Here's the back on a red shirt... |
BITTER - Germany's eighth largest auto manufacturer...
BITTER Production Automobiles... |

CD 1974-1979
Production = 395

SC 1981-1986
Production = 498 (29 RHD)
1985 Price = $52,000
SC Cabriolet 1985-1986
Production = 21 (1 RHD)

SC Sedan 1985
Production = 5 |
The BITTER SC consists of:
- Opel Senator "A" chassis, axles, suspension & 4-wheel disc brakes
- 3.0 Opel GM straight six, bored & stroked by Manzel (Porsche) to 3.9 liters
- 210 horsepower, 257 lb-ft torque, 143 mph, 0-60 mph in 7.6 seconds
- German Getrag (BMW) 5-speed transmission
- Bosch electronics
- Maggiore (Maserati & Bristol) body shell from Turin, Italy
- Glove leather interior by Franco Gavina / SALT (Ferrari, Lamborghini &
Maserati), also in Turin
- Originally hand assembled in Schwelm, Germany.
- In 1983, assembly moved to Steyr Daimler Puch in Graz, Austria
I've heard many guesses as to what the BITTER SC is...
- Aston Martin
- Ferrari - looks just like a 400 / 400i / 412 produced from 1976 - 1989
- Iberia ???
- Intermeccanica (started in Turin, Italy)
- Lamborghini
- Lancia
- Lotus Esprit - from James Bond movies...
- Maserati
Toyota Supra
- Cross between Toyota Supra & Ford Pinto !!!
- Even a REAL Hot Wheels car !!!
BITTER Prototype / Concept Vehicles... |

Kadett Aero - 197? |

Bitter Blazer - 197? |

CD 1973 Prototype |

CD Interior |

SC 1979 Prototype |

SC Interior |

Rallye GT - 1984 |

Type 3 - 1987 |

Tasco 1991

Berlina 1994 |

GT1, not sure of the year

GT1, has a Chrysler connection |
The CD2 has the best chance of becoming
the next BITTER production model... |

CD2 - 2005 |

CD2 - 2005
BITTER Automobile Links - Find out more about Erich Bitter & his low-production machines... |
Frappr.com - Neat registry site with pop-up pics. |
Bitter Horsepower.de - Erich Bitter's new site about CD 2. Two-door, V8 with 550+ horsepower !!! |
'85 Bitter owners site - Nice site with comprehensive info. |
Bitter Parts.com - Parts site run by Ed Swart, former West Coast distributor for Bitter in the 1980's |
Practical Classics - Another way to justify owning a Bitter. |
Bitter Cars.com - Super site with pics of 70's, 80's & prototypes. "For Sale" section, mostly in Europe. |
Opel Association of North America - Some Bitter info. |
Bitter Club International - Another comprehensive site for these unique automobiles. |
Monza Man.com - Fun site for Opel / Bitter info. |
Exotic Car Trader - Here's one For Sale, a 1985 with 63,000 miles at $25,000. |
PistonHeads.com - Write-up about Erich Bitter & the SC. |
UK Classic Cars - Bitter car club based in England. Only thirty (30 !) registered Bitters in the UK. |
Auto Lists.com - Bitter SC write-up with a few pics. |
Type 3 - 1995 Press Release for a car that was not built. |
Auto Moldova.org - Another Bitter SC & Bitter CD write-up. |
Nov 2005 Article - German article discusses SC model & maybe a new car for 2006. |
Concept Carz.com - Tech specs of Bitter SC, CD, WP. |
Vin Teq Ltd. - Bitter parts in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. |
Lancia Gamma Page - Lancia liker admires Bitter & others. |
e carzone.com - A few nice pics of several of Erich Bitter's other cars. |
FCB / Free Car Brochures - Hundreds of auto lit scans. |
87th Scale - BS Design clear plastic models of SC Coupe, Convertible, Sedan & Rallye GT |
FCB - German Bitter brochure... |
Bitter-Buch.de - German site with pics of many Bitter models. |
Jalopnik.com - Article about new Bitter CDII. |
1985 Bitter SC Brochure - Nice scans of old brochure. |
Bunnik Club - French site with Bitter brochure cover scans. |
BilNorge.no - Site from Norway with lots of Bitter pics. |
Opel Magazin.cz - Czech site with CD & SC pics. |
Histomobile.com - Bitter write-up. |
Autobahn Stormers.com - Pics & descriptions of the SC. |
Yahoo Auto Group - Bitter car group, my joining makes 75 members. |