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Front of the "Liberty" bill you see on
the right. Super nice pen & ink work.
Sent in by the artist, Daniel R. from
Winter Haven, Florida. |

Lady Liberty stands tall !!! |
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Shane S., a firefighter in
Oklahoma City, OK penned this
wonderful gothic look of Abe.
I am lovin' the level of detail here. |

Here's a GREAT one...
Do you know what you can spell
when you black out part of
"FART" |
Oh my Gosh, more outstanding work !!!
This in from Gevin B. of Seattle, WA.
Really nice Gene Simmons work here. |
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Sort of a Hitler-ish look to George. |

The pirate theme is popular...
nice sideburn there. |
The George as pirate theme continues...
sporting an earring this time. |
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Local thespian, Michael Mattison
created this fiver of himself &
slyly used it to purchase a burrito. |
It appears that a bit of history is
represented in this defacement...
the famous Hamilton - Burr
Here, Hamilton has a shot to the head. |
Here Mr. Hamilton is looking a bit
scholarly. However, I'm not sure I understand the red eyebrow or the
red 10. |
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Great drawing of a happy tree. |
Looks like Mr. Jackson has been
in a fight. Lots of cuts & scrapes. |
More unibrow action. Also sporting an
earring & something on his neck. |
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Very subtle devil work here...
just the faint outline of horns.
Also, what appears to be a bit ear hair. |
Did Jackson enjoy a toke now & then ???
"True Stoner" & "Pothead"
outline his puffing portrait.
Also, touts "buy a 20". |
You've seen it, you've heard folks talk
about it. But what is it ??? It seems
related to drug culture, but how ???
Click the link above to be in the know. |
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Old... |
Old... |
Old... |
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Sort of the
Jorge Villa look. |
Red hair, red lips, red jacket,
red "ONE DOLLAR", red "1's".
What is it with all the red anyway. |

with eye-covering cap and
big dollar sign necklace. Yo !!! |
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Got some horns going on,
cheekbone accents,
with mustache & goatee'.
Rather strange really. |
"Amy's Dollar"
With cute bunny ears &
two big whiskers.
Looks to be the work of a child. |

Possibly more children's work...
cute little stick figures.
I think one is a boy & one is a girl. |
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Very nice mustache & goatee',
but what's with the forehead ???
Well, Denise F. writes it that she
believes it's supposed to be none
other than Saddam Hussein.
I can certainly see that evil-doer. |

"The United States of Osama"
Certainly one of the more unusual
George transformations.
Complete with incoming bomb. |
George looking cool while he enjoys
a smoke. But what's above the
shades...very bushy eyebrows ???
And over-writing on signatures. |
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Some outlining, mustache and
goatee', with crazy loopy hair. |

Looks a bit like...
Bozo the Clown
And nice tape job to boot. |
"Moo" on forehead,
enjoying a smoke and
something coming from his nose. |
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Very interesting technique here...
a nice winking Santa paper
pic has been precisely cut out and
glued over George. Well done !!!
Thanks to Don B. for saving this one. |
The "Unisex" States of America
Now, what in the heck does that
mean ??? Thanks to Sean for
educating us on the triangle of
triangles - it's a Sierpinski gasket.
A popular fractal.
Here's a site
with Sierpinski
Gasket details...
And a site with many
is a great concept... |
Simple eye circles, looks a
bit like marks you would get
if someone played a practical
joke on you with binoculars. |
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Quality scars and heavy
outlines around eyes & lips.
Smudged before fully drying.
Creates a most unique effect. |
Abe as a metrosexual done with
a sparkly, light blue pen.
Complete with earrings
and collar studs. |
"He Bad"
Bizarre pinhead looking
with straight mustache and again
with earrings. |
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"Jolly good show chap !"
Great looking Abe as a member
of a barber-shop quartet.
The monocle is a nice touch.
be a punk band, retired. |

Back of the "chap" bill...
"Defacing american currency
with pride"
Impressive looking flames
on top of the
Lincoln Memorial. |
Do you have "Ugly Money"
to send along ???

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money". |
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"Hi Karen"
With wild looking hair, eyes,
nose & tongue. Strange. |
Burrito Wagon Page |

Most unique outline technique.
Gives Abe that chiseled look,
a bit like Mt. Rushmore. |
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"Dein Blut und Ehre!"
Translated from German...
"Your Blood and Honor"
strong words indeed.
Thanks to Switzerland's Yolanda S.
for clarification & suggestion the
phrase originated with the
Interesting music... |
A bit of architectural modification
turns the Lincoln Memorial
into a Nazi party building.

Here, the U.S. Treasury has
been transformed into another
Nazi government building.
Notice the "right-handed" swastika,
actually opposite of the Nazi's. |
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Along with unibrow, neatly
trimmed facial hair, a few
extra hair highlights & that
great arm !!! One of the few bills
that sports an appendage.
Spent by JB customer David. |
Now what's going on here ???
Did someone try to draw a
hairnet on Mr. Hamilton ???
Of course, hats or hairnets are
health-code required at
Johnny Burrito. |
Burrito Wagon Page |
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Here's a unibrow.
And just a generally hairy,
Turkish looking Ulysses S. Grant.
Does he remind you of someone ???
I can't put my finger on it.
Here's Managing the
Unibrow... |
Burrito #1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |
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WOW !!! One of the best yet
Homer Simpson, donuts & 4 colors.
There are four "donut" references,
can you find them all ???
Looks like artist signature on right. |
The back is GREAT also !!!
Really nice work here. Thanks
to Brian for saving & Mary for
alerting us to this rare find. |

Very well done Santa.
Nice edge work on hat & coat.
One of my favorites. |
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Eyeballin' George...
Eyeballs same size as a quarter.
Mary snagged this one for us. |

Friar George...
Interesting hat, facial hair &
cross. Nice black jacket. |
..Let us know your favorite
"Ugly Money"...

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money" |
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Interesting political work...
George wearing elaborate
headdress & smallpox sores
while speaking with forked
tongue. "In Harold We Trust"
"Big Chief Sitting Schimel" |

And the flipside continues...
"In Harold we trust"
Clever incorporation of ONE...
"is the loneliest number" |

Nice stovepipe hat with
ridiculously large smile.
Done by either "H.B" or "CMF". |
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Great clown look,
with George exclaiming...

And the backside continues...
Samantha saved this one. |

Great cartoon look,
nice clean fill-in work. |
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#1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |

Glasses & facial hair
are common alterations.

Some are worse than others.
What's that on the shirt ??? |
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Some can be strange...
Lennon shades with
crazy forehead line. |

More George coolness.

Or just the glasses...
simple shade treatment.. |
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George looking at the world
through rose colored glasses. |

Or just the facial hair...
simple mustache treatment with
one "1" fill-in. |

Burrito Wagon Page |
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Do you have "Ugly Money"
to send along ???

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money". |
Not sure on this one, maybe...
"for each of the one bell"
Looks like he's been duct taped. |
George with blacked-out eyes,
anti-glare cream & a smoke.
Notice rendering for new "B". |
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George looking rather scholarly.

George, again, is looking
quite scholarly. Blue beard &
slightly red hair. |

Nice stylized hair & neck.
Simple mustache & goatee'. |
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Looks like George got slimed.
Along with funny grin
and beard stubble. |
Of course, after he grew it,
he smoked it, put shades on & got
Great use of the preprinted ONE.. |

Dark shades with facial hair.
Notice horns, recurring theme.. |
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Lots going on - horns, tears,
narrow mustache, pot leaf &
the classic juvenile line...
"If you read this you are gay" |

Very subtle hair, devil & fang
treatment of George with silver
pen. Also, some number fill-in &
haphazard doodles. |
Not sure if those are horns or not.
Crazy mustache &
blacked in jacket too. |
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Another devil...
with more than horns. |

Nice red pen fill-in,
even eyes, nostrils & ruffly shirt. |

George as Gene Simmons of KISS.
As drawn by Brian. Good job !!! |
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George as a Rastafarian. |

George looking hip & cool...
a little like John Lennon. |

Burrito Wagon Page |
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Estaban says - weak & uninspired
beard fill-in. Odd cropping of
serial number to reveal "27".
Code for ???
Clifton suggests...
Police Code for larceny, as "10-27" |

"2002" with smiley faces.
More beard fill-in.
George as a bunny.
Would Hugh Hefner approve ???. |
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Crazy diving helmet look.
Estaban thinks he looks like
stooge "Curly", Mary says he
has a Chinese look. |
George has that
Ronald McDonald look to him.
Estaban says he's another Curly. |
Very subtle, controlled,
highlighter effect... George's hair,
shirt, also numbers & seals.
An Estaban favorite. |
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Notice the over/under scoring in
"The US of A" line at top says...
"HE ATE ME". Looks like George
has blood all over his mouth & a
piece still dangling. Gruesome.
THANKS to Craig T. for insight !!! |

Interesting outline of ruffly
shirt & neck. Blacked out eyes, mouth & top Fed line.

George as an Indian...
simple headdress & face paint. |
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..Let us know your favorite
"Ugly Money"...

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money" |

Doodling here carried over to... |

back of same bill. |
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Great little doodles all over. |

Simple magic marker circles. |

Nice cigar smoke screen. |
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I count ten (10) little people.
Drawn doing a variety of activities
that fit specific areas of the bill. |

And two (2) additional LP. |

Real scribble here...
looks like my two-year olds work. |
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Nice scribble work here. |
Really good work here...
classy looking facial hair, eyebrows, even mole & what a border !!!
Thanks to Crystal for this one. |
"Chaos Theory" in action...
Most interesting Chaos link... |
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Some triangle looking horns.
And a hint of a mustache. |

Burrito Wagon Page |

An extra-hairy Abe, a bit like Ringo.
And looks like artist signed work
near left-side seal. |
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Do you have "Ugly Money"
to send along ???

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money". |

Glasses, smoke, is that a hat ???
What's on the portrait left side ? |

Arrow thru head - ALA Steve Martin.
Kinda droopy looking.. |
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"Hello Matey"
GREAT eyepatch !!! Black Lips ???
Also "If you get this bill sign it"
"Chris Shawn Caid (sp?)" did. |

"And date this side"
"10/23/01 3/2/02 10/24/03"
Huh ??? This bill collected
Aug. of 2002 - serious postdating. |

Giving Abe the mustache
he never had.
Debbie saved this one for us. |
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A most excellent pict-o-gram...
"screw u" with what looks like an
arrow pointing the backside,
but nothing there ???
Update: Christina chides silly JB
for missing arrow = "over", as in
"Screw You Over". Thanks !!! |

More excellent work...
"Bravo Sir Lincoln"
Of course the Knight's helmet also
resembles a leather head cover. |
Abe looking a little C3PO,
(not R2D2),
from StarWars.
I was corrected ???, but can't
provide credit - my email crashed. |
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"The Devel" (sic)
Only one with pitch fork & tail !!! |

Red pen fill-in...
Gives Abe that angry look. |
Champion scribble action here.
Estaban & I really like this one. |
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Glasses are poorly drawn &
Low level of effort. |

Excellent Motocross theme...
nice helmet & jump action.
And more homosexuality...
"If you get this money from me
your (sic) gay". |
Motocross continues on back...
The "Lincoln Motocross Track" is
being conquered by a "REBEL!"
The artist, Jared, contacted me &
I purchased for face value. |
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Nice four-color highlighter use. |
#1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |

Mr. Hamilton looking cool
with square shades,
a smoke & earring.
Crazy triangle too ??? |
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Now this is art. |
Very nice devil & "SATEN" |

A devil with pink horns &
mustache ??? |
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A little case of red eye.

Mindless scribbling
by Joel or Rachel.... |

And one or the other is "HOT".
But not so hot to let the
phone # out. |
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5 o'clock shadow on Hamilton. |
The Devil made me do it !!!
Horns, hair outline, pencil-thin
mustache & goatee'.
Censored for family friendly site. |

Nice smiley face & "Thanks Bit.."
$10 for poor service ??? |
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Crude drawing includes glasses,
earrings, sideburns, goatee &
FANGS !!! |

Quickly drawn pseudo-glasses &
wavy mustache. Could the
forehead cross help with the
previous vampire Hamilton ??? |
Great, toothy smile,
with suggestion on back...
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Blue ball-point highlights in hair.
And nice goatee' action. |
Not the best beard I've seen. |

Bill turned in by Brian, who says
it bears a striking resemblance
to JB himself. |
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Crazy spaghetti looking hair...
really creates a nice effect. |
More KISS action...
Andrew as Paul Stanley. |

Red eyes, smoking something &
saying..."Give it to me Alicia"
Extra smoke behind left ear. |
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Mr. Jackson is very embarrassed !!! |
Purple hairdo.
The hair would match nicely
with the previous face. |
#1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |
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Very artistic color pencil doodle.
$20 bill obtained directly from the
artist - none other than Estaban.. |

Second Estaban bill. Oddly, this
bill was first spent & I got it from Loretta, my friendly bank teller. |

More Jackson highlighting,
unknown artist. |
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Big, bold specs on Grant. |
..Let us know your favorite
"Ugly Money"...

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money" |
Our first $100 !!!
Wow !!! The beginning of really
nice devil or maybe that was how
much the artist wanted to do. But
the horns & hair curls are GREAT !!!
And that eye. Good stuff !!! |
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