Some bills have writing -
anything from simple wishes to heavy philosophy...
Note: "(sic)" is used to
indicate the word is intentionally so written, preserving the misspelling. |
. |
. |
More from Joe C. in Savannah...
Hmmm, makes you wonder if this
is a confession or a band groupie. |
This sent in by Chris L.
Beam me up, Scotty. |
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'nuff said. |
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. |

I imagine that is a reference
to Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.
But, these days, you never know.
Update: Christina suggests
"Professional Bull Riders". |
"Tommy McDonald Is so darn SEXY! LOL!
HEY! Jordan Sprinkle ! 9/11/2003 HEY!" |
. |
. |
. |
"KILL BIN LARDEN (sic) !!" |
"Osoma (sic) Bin Laden SUCKS
God Bless America" |
"If U Like Food Call 87?-??92 -
Mexicali" |
. |
. |
. |

"This dollar was given to me blessed !
Now I want to give it to you blessed !" |
"Don't buy cigarrets (sic)"
With all that free time, learn to spell. |
. |
. |
. |
"May God bless you
give this dollar to a homeless person" |
And to finish off the money theme...
"My Bills
My Child
My Husband" |
. |
. |
. |
"(heart) The Tooth Fairy"
Man, the fairy shells out four
more dollars than our
household receives.
Let's see...$5 * how many teeth... |
Hard to argue with that advice. |
Boy, now this is sweet...
If you get this, Dad loves you
From OHIO"
Not the one from North Carolina. |
. |
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. |
. |
Sadly, others have said the same. |
. |
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. |
. |
Old... |
Old... |
Old... |
. |
. |
. |
. |

This just in - tips are down...
from an unidentified source in
Hampton Roads, VA.
"rude Fu@#$%* Service
Don't Be A Bit@#"
Cool part was the Edward Gorey
card that delivered the bill.
It is "Bacchanalia
II". |
. |
. |
. |
"Given to Abagail (sic) by a man at
the Fort Lawn Texco (sic) 5/19/03
To A Freind (sic) From a Fried (sic)
1st Dollor (sic) Wayne K..."
Seems Wayne needs to learn to spel. |
"doesn't grow on trees!"
I can see a frustrated parent
wanting to make a point. |
A dollar bill records the
thoughts of a disturbed mind...
"You are not a Slave
Suicicide (sic) is the only way out"
Man, I hate seeing this kind of bill. |
. |
. |
. |
"Give inspectors more time"
A frustrated citizen expresses
his thoughts before the
second war in Iraq. |
Burrito Wagon Page |
"I'm sorry Mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to make you cry"
These are lyrics to an Eminem song
& the backwards "E" is his logo.
Thanks to Southern Cal gal Jen H.
for the education. I'm officially older. |
. |
. |
. |
The 'ol "writing on the bill to make
it a higher denomination" trick. |
"I Grew Hemp"
Just like the stamp, but it's more
personal when handwritten. |

Taking a server to task...
"You should work on you (sic)
manners 4 more $$" |
. |
. |
. |
Chelsea Hart... is a dork !
I love that the bill was remarked. |
Deep societal thoughts to ponder.
Or this could be their life...
"Why is all most everyone one
paycheck away from
bankruptcy and homeless"
This bill came to us from Dallas, TX. |
More thoughts continue on back...
"God and the devil are a
two headed beast.
He is guilty by his actions
and/or lack of actions why
war, poverty, famine, disease
Why a living hell ?" |
. |
. |
. |
Excellent tic-tac-toe game !!!
Here's a good computer
And a bit of history
here... |

I'm glad a five dollar bill can
provide the anonymous outlet
that some folks need. |

"Peace Love & Woodstock"
complete with peace sign.
Now, this is a 1969 bill, but can
we be sure it was done at
the real Woodstock ??? |
. |
. |
. |

Is the government the Mafia ???
Or did someone just watch
the Sopranos ??? |
"The Badgers Rule !!"
We don't need no stinkin' Badgers. |

"Slave w/ No Hope"
Anonymous cry for help ???
Any significance to circling 20's ???
Ahhh, Stephanie R. writes in the four
circled 20's could represent
"4:20". |
. |
. |
. |
.Do you have "Ugly Money"
to send along ???

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money". |
Well into the
"Ugly Money" project,
I agree with the sentiment. |
Burrito #1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |
. |
. |
. |

"Jesus died & came back to show us the way -
Pray that we follow.
Nothing ever dies Forever in Him
6/98 Pray for All Fathers souls -
Pray for the living and deceased" |

"St. Lazarus - Anyone who
recieves (sic) this will be blessed
with a lot of money - if they write
this verse on 10 other bills -
Thank you St. Dymphna" |

Which Saint is it anyway ???
"According to St. Patrick
who ever receives this bill will be
coming into a lot of money if you
write this on 10 more bills !" |
. |
. |
. |

Seems to be common wish...
"Anyone who receives this bill
will be blessed with alot of money only if they mark 10 other bills" |

"Anyone who receives this bill
will be blessed with a lot of money
if they write this on
10 one dollar bills" |

"This bill will bring you lots of
luck if you write this verse on
ten more bills" |
. |
. |
. |

Spanish version of "10 bills"...
"Cualquiera que reciba este
billete sera bendecido con mucho
dinero si escribe este mensage en
10 billetes mas" |

Here's a discounted version...
same as others before, except only
need to "write this on 3 other bills"
to get a lot of money. Do you get less money for less effort ??? |

No writing on 10 or 3 bills here,
mere possession will convey...
"L.O.V.E. Whoever owns this will
have great wealth and fame" |
. |
. |
. |

Here's a tip for ya...
"you have an incredible butt"
A butt like that is only worth $1 ???
Both Sam & Jessica saved this one. |

Do as I write, not as I do...
And the bill looks to have been
washed in new blue jeans. |

Nice sentiments for all time...
"World Peace"
"Let Money be Love in Action." |
. |
. |
. |
"I am defacing American property !
So what ? Gotta problem ?
Go tell Bush ! See if he can
understand you ! Well if you
speak idiot he might ! Either way
God Bless America !" |
Burrito Wagon Page |

"Read Me Call sometime if you
ever are around Chapel Hill or Hillsborough or just
call if you
want someone to talk to. 919-64...
or 919-59... Be safe driving.
Love, Billy" |
. |
. |
. |

So parched, can't even speak...
"Water" |

"Spam Smoke Flavor
Try It You'll Like It"
Does smoke flavor help Spam ???
Jessica snagged this on for us. |

"Odell is Hell"
Disgruntled employee of
local design firm. |
. |
. |
. |

"New Order" & highlighting eye.
Said to be signs of "Illuminati".
And that's all I can reveal for now. |

Here's a classic one...
"how to confuse a blonde
flip over for answer" |

Flip side of previous bill...
Tell me you saw that coming. |
. |
. |
. |
"Do you know how to keep a
Pollock (sic) busy ? over..." |

"Do you know how to keep a
Pollock (sic) busy ? over..."
I haven't heard "Polack"
in 25+
years - now politically incorrect. |
.Do you have "Ugly Money"
to send along ???

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money". |
. |
. |
. |

"For a good time call 704-839-4..."
Wonder how many have called ?
Did anyone receive a bad time ? |

More dates for a dollar...
"Call me 301-422-0...
Mian hotgirl" |

"You are the most unlucky
low down person in the world
call and ask for Amanda 572-2..." |
. |
. |
. |

Mom's are GREAT...
"To: JA'COVEN L. Crumbley (???)
you're my everything
I love you very much
From: MOMMY I luv you ! |

Mom's admonishment,
with a heart...
"Don't take stuff for --- granted" |

Mom's sentimental wish...
"My child to come home" |
. |
. |
. |

Odd number pattern...
"21-3 / 22-4 / 23-1 / 24-3 / 25-2 / 26-2 /
27-3 / 28-2 / 29-3 / 30-2 / 31-4 / 32-4 /
33-2 / 34-2 / 35-3 / 36-4 / 37-2 / 38-1 /
39-2 / 40-2 / 41-3 / 42-3" |
#1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |

This could be a bad sign,
this is a businesses "first dollar"...
"The Start Pro Maintenance 5/10/01"
with signatures. Received Nov 2002.
Maybe the first dollar you make
is the last dollar you spend. |
. |
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. |

Good to know I am loved !!! |

"Who Ever gets this dollar I had it Lil.T you will have good luck.
And I'm a money man and you will get money" |

"W.P.C. Washington,Park,Crew,
Boyz - Lil T, Reil, Kemp, J, Tree,
Bo, Action, Jason,
girlz - Tee-Tee, Lee-Lee, mee" |
. |
. |
. |
I hope she went. |
"Smokey for Chester"
Not sure what that means,
but it certainly makes me laugh. |
Military money...
"101 S.T. (sic) AIR BOR (sic)
FOR (sic) K.Y. (sic)" |
. |
. |
. |

THE "Confederate" STATES...
Glasses on George, 100 all over,
"Big Sexy" (sp?). |

Back of previous bill...
X pattern all over back,
with more 100 action. |

I don't suspect a $1 dollar bill
will get you much satisfaction. |
. |
. |
. |

Tip jar note, "pub trick" ???
Our only upside-down Ugly Money.
Loretta snagged this one. |

Did someone take this off the jar near the register ???
Thanks to Elizabeth for this one. |
..Let us know your favorite
"Ugly Money"...

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money" |
. |
. |
. |
"Tounge (sic) Jack my !@#$ %&*"
Sent to me after being
received in teller transaction. |
"Jackass" times two.
Nice reminder of the movie. |
"LOVE ONE another !"
A nice sentiment and
great incorporation of ONE. |
. |
. |
. |

"Read all! It will bring you
lots of luck with love
Heather N Christopher L.
Monica and Christopher H.
11,22,86 7,4,81
work hard for your money!
January 10, 2002 10:37 am"
Mary found this one. |

"if you love something let it go,
if it comes back it was meant,
but if it doesn't it was never
meant to be !
We Love You !
If its true love it will always last
January 10, 2002
Heather N Bubby ! Dec 17 01
Monica & Christopher Jan 1 02" |

Backwards on forehead, for the
next time George looks in a mirror. |
. |
. |
. |

Rambling tourist writings...
"The Crazy Americans Dec 14 98 TGIF London style
LOVE to European Vacation
Nappy Joe Ginapoli The Mini Grinny
Hannah the crazy taco smacker
Kelly The crazy taco smacking pillow biter
Naked Abe The crazy streaking mick
Tad TM" |

Not enough room on the front...
"Sky is the Limit
Turn over to see the crazy
American's that left this here !!
Vienna / Wien Rocks Our World" |

Spouse with a sense of humor...
"This two will pass
Jesus Loves you, your Wife" |

Estaban can feel the anger... |

that continues on the backside. |

Even bolder anger on this $5 |
. |
. |
. |

Time honored phrase...
"Honest Abe"
And a single colored-in "5". |

Coupon of sorts...
"Valid For One Long Island Ice Tea at The French Quarter"
A local restaurant not far from
JB, that
serves an excellent "tea".
Sep. 2002 price = $5.50 |

simply written on forehead. |
. |
. |
. |

I'd be a much happier recipient
if this was on a $100 dollar bill. |

One can only wonder what Marie
did to deserve five whole dollars. |

"Happy Birthday Gail"
Saves on getting card or
having to wrap a gift. |
. |
. |
. |
"Happy Birthday"
Nice use of word bubble. |
"FOR Brittany FROM Kenny"
Includes a nice smiley face !!! |
More $5 appreciation,
these folks come cheap. |
. |
. |
. |

The classic occult sign...
"666" |
Do you have "Ugly Money"
to send along ???

eat at johnnyburrito dot com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money". |

"I'm forsaking this in the
name of Jessus (sic)"
Hmm, was it really abandoned ??? |
. |
. |
"I farted on this bill"
I am NOT going to scratch & sniff. |
Somebody was sent to get...
"(2) BLT w/ cheese NO MAYO"
Is that too difficult to remember ? |

"Whoever gets this dollar
gets 50 years good luck"
And Abe with mustache added.
I received Apr 29, 2003.. |
Our first Spanish defacing.
Money & "The Devil" theme from
south of the border. |
Big heart with "SF + HF" inside.
And the date when this love was
proclaimed... "Oct 20, 2001"
Wonder if they're still together ??? |
Back of the "Heart Bill"...
"Love you ! Aunt Carol" And
"Uncle Paul" also got a chance to
sign. Were they connected to the
lovers on front or was this bill defaced twice ??? |
. |
. |
. |

Here's a way to order breakfast...
"Sausage, Pancakes, Hashbrown,
Coffee". Hope the rest was a tip. |

Healthy grocery list...
"cheetos, Almond Joy, oreos,
Bread, Hamb Buns, Lettuce
Dog Treats, Pepsi, onion" and
almost forgot - "Toothpaste".
May 10, 2002 prices = $16.31 |

Unique shopping list...
Snuff, Eyebrow Cutter, Pkg. Combs,
2 banana's (sic),
1 can of grapefruit |
. |
. |
. |
"I am not your GOD"
Take time to let that sink in. |
"Buy me something to eat !!!"
Red lips are ready for food. |

Excellent rainbow border !!!
"To: Maggie I LOVE YOU Ruth" |
. |
. |
. |

Here's a fan stalker for ya...
"Nsync Rulz !!!
Justin Timberlake is HOT !!!"
Nice silver pen effect on Jackson.
Thanks to Andrew for clearing
up the "Nsync Rulz" part. |

"I love Justin Randall Timberlake
always & forever !!! Justin
Timberlake is Fine !! I love you
justin" With "Justin" over the
White House. |

I know 666=Devil, but 777 ???
Rhonda writes in:
777="the mark of the Lord." |
. |
. |
. |
"What's going on ? Nothing
Just chillin in Fashion
Merchandising watching this boring
ass movie. I'm so tired."
With highlighter shades & lips. |
Billboard bill,
nice layout, easy to read...
Burrito #1 in Charlotte, NC !!!
Stop in & see for
yourself.. |
. |
. |
. |

Oh, the Harry Potter craze...
"HARRY POTTER * and the
Lily Nimbus" |

At first, I was intrigued by this
cheat sheet of formulas. Closer
examination reveals gibberish...
"1 watt=v2/R, SKx=.08, 300x=.33,
rate=Power, 1 volt=Power,
Power=Time, 1 watt=1sec.,
60=.545, 750,000 joules=83333" |

Creativity continues...
"DV/R, 25N=G.25, 42 lb=7,
54 lbs=9 ft/lb, aselectrical = power
pump=129.6, pump=240
Thanks to Debbie for saving this
bill with nonsensical formulas. |
. |
. |
. |

"Who ever gets this money is
gifted with the knowledge and
wisdom of the family Ruiz.
(If this bill is returned to us the
gift will be yours) only by U" |

Flipside of previous 20...
"U Have the power of return
that may give you the luck.
U R Speciall (sic)
Belif (sic) in. U"

"Money cometh !
To Dennis Lee Scales Right Now"
Now, this is nice recognition. |
. |
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"DAD" on forehead with
"Money owned to Dad!" on side.
You can bet that's only part of Dad's monetary outlay. |

Burrito Wagon Page |

Our first fifty !!!
More polarizing political statements...
"wanted for war crimes" |
. |
. |
. |
"Interested in a Home-based
Business ? Earn a full-time income
on a part-time basis ! For Details,
call Now ! 3 min. toll-free message
1-800-897-...." |
I'm assuming this was
NOT spent on a Sunday...
"Real Christians Do Not
Buy or Sell on Sunday
Live for Him" |
Nice poem...
"All good things will come to me -
from me all misfortune must flee -
as I will so will it be -
hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee ! |
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Update: From Ruben...
"these are lyrics from Slipknots' song
On the one hand, I'm glad they're song lyrics.
On the other hand, they are still disturbing & hard to follow.
Now this is disturbing & hard to follow... |
disturbing prose... |

"Am I the only mother FHS>XtAAELADMCKT. with a brain I'm hearing voices ...
All they do is complain how many times have I wanted to kill every thing and the
SLIPKNOT - insane" |

"every one say you do it But
Never will you can't see ca.. with
out Marlin Brandos eyes.
Cause i am my father son and he's a phantom of my...
Aand (sic) that leaves me nothing." |

"MiNivANs ArE the peragotory (sic)
of the flamily (sic) Road trip
the flamily (sic) Reunion is the
everlasting flame that Burns your
flesh and eats your soul." |
. |
. |
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.Here's a great piece of alcohol induced rambling,
the last line makes it.... |
. |

"(Start) I had a great idea while I was sitting here admiring this beautiful
girl behind the bar, I think that this >" |

"(Start) beautiful girl and the lush at the bar (the one with the white
shirt on, I think his name is Matt)
should be seeing each other.
Think good positive thoughts." |

A nice friend indeed...
"Hey girl, wuz up ?
Well just wanted to tell you
happy b-day" |
. |
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And to counteract the devil, we have...
"Each dollar you earn is a gift from JESUS !!"